T-Cubed Systems, Inc.

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About T-Cubed Systems, Inc.
T-Cubed Systems has been selling the RelCalc reliability prediction software tools for over 30 years, and we've learned from our many satisfied users what they want and need in a reliability prediction software tool; all of this experience has been built into our latest version of RelCalc for Windows.

We're also very proud of our reputation as a provider of high quality, easy to use software, and responsive, friendly customer support, and we're working very hard to maintain that reputation.

Please feel free to contact us at any time.

Our Mission and Philosophy
Our goal is to develop high quality software that is very easy to learn and use. We carefully design, code, and test our software to create a solid work tool that you can depend on.

We also place customer service very high on our priority list. We are dedicated to providing you with prompt, friendly, knowledgeable support as you use our software. We want to help you get your job done right.

Why You Can Depend on T-Cubed Systems
- We have over 25 years of PC reliability prediction software experience.
- Our high quality software is field proven, used by customers in 25 countries worldwide.
- Excellent customer service and technical support: we'll be here when you need us.

Copyright (c) 2025 T-Cubed Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
RelCalc (R) is a registered trademark of T-Cubed Systems, Inc.
Phone: 818-991-0057 Fax: 818-991-1281
E-mail: info@t-cubed.com Web: www.t-cubed.com